After only a handful of photographs, Steve Jobs threw the photographer out, and things went downhill from there. Jobs was in a particularly bad mood. Howerver, as our session ended, he sat down in front of his Macintosh computers to demonstrate a new program he had introduced earlier that morning before the legions of faithful. (...) iTunes included a simple visualization feature that conjured up dancing color patterns that pulsed on the computer's screen in concert with the beat of the music.
Obviously pleased with the feature, Jobs turned to me with a slight smile and said, "It reminds me of my yourh." (...)
It is widely known that Jobs, a dropout from Reed College in Portland, had experimented with drugs and pursued a countercultural lifestyle both before and after helping found the quirky computer maker. Despite the fact that he now flies around the world in his own corporate jet and has a personal net wirth of more than one billion dollars, Jobs has maintained deep emotional ties to the era in which he grew up.
He explained that he still believed that taking LSD was one of the two or three most important things he had done in his life, and he said he felt that because people he knew well had not tried psychedelics, there were things about him they couldn't understand. He also said that his countercultural roots often left him feeling like an outsider in the corporate world of which he now is a leader.
"What the Dormouse said" - John Markoff
1 Kommentar:
As I always said! LSD makes you a better person!
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