Freitag, November 16, 2007

Young tourists distraught

Dies kam gerade von Lars. Er und Anja werden in Neuseeland inzwischen anscheinend zu echten Berühmtheiten - wenn auch eher aus weniger schönem Anlass. Naja, wer kann sich schon den Grund für seine Prominenz aussuchen ;)

Young tourists distraught after crooks plunder van

A young German couple touring New Zealand in a campervan will leave Hawke's Bay with unhappy memories after thieves struck while they were away from their vehicle for just 10 minutes.

Senior Sergeant Tony Dewhirst of the Napier police said the travellers had stopped at the Tangoio Falls scenic area, popular with tourists and walkers. But the spot had also developed a reputation in the past few years as an equally popular picking ground for thieves.

Mr Dewhirst said the couple, a 26-year-old man and 24-year-old woman, were away from the Toyota Hiace van from noon until 12.

Someone smashed a window, reached in and forced one of the doors.

The couple lost a purple backpack containing their passports, wallets with money and credit cards, documentation including driving licences, and personal belongings.

The frantic couple drove to Napier to raise the alarm. A crime-prevention officer went to the scene today to ensure signs warning visitors of the dangers in leaving belongings in vehicles was high-profile enough.

"We are getting to the time of year when more people are visiting these places. It is a warning for tourists to take their belongings with them if they leave their vehicles," Mr Dewhirst said.

It was not known whether the couple had remained in town or moved on because efforts to contact them by phone were unsuccessful.

3 Kommentare:

Richi hat gesagt…

aha die versicherungsbetrüger haben es also auch auf unseren Blog geschafft :-)

Paul hat gesagt…

Ha! Daran habe ich noch gar nicht gedacht... Schlingel ;)

Jane hat gesagt…

diese unterstellungen, ich glaubs ja nicht ... also mir tut das ehrlich leid für euch.
